A problem Solved with paving an extra mile

 For a while I realized that some of my clients do not engage, they lost in their mind, they don't like some of the center's activities. I felt so bad, I used every way possible, checking on them often, asked staff to engage them, but not much of a result. I looked, searched and talked to a few professionals out of the the office. I found Alzheimer's association in LA. I contacted them, we had some back and forth. I paid for the program they had, : Memories in the Making". Result was increasable. Many of them participated. And after family consents, we participated their art in Santa Monica art exhibition. One of the art by our client sold for 300. You can imagine the rest of the story............

 I attended an amazing program Memories in the Making. I found Alzheimer's Association very helpful and
full of amazing staff.

One of the painting


Memories in the Making®
A fine arts program for people with 
About the Memories in the Making® Art program
In 1986, artist, board member and caregiver Selly Jenny, whose mother had Alzheimer’s disease, explored the use of an art program to identify how much dementia patients could reveal about themselves through the medium of art. Most had never painted before, yet the response was uniformly positive, revealing and reaffirming.
The Memories in the Making® Art Program was thus born and has grown into a calendar, a training manual, an art exhibit and more -- expanding both nationally and internationally. 
Alzheimer's dementia brings with it a constant reminder of failures and losses. The Memories in the Making® Art program is not about failure. Every picture is important and valid. Its value lies in the creative process of making the art and expressing feelings and emotions trapped inside. The ensuing sense of accomplishment brings renewed joy and self-respect to the patient.
Our exhibits present a selection of these paintings and the stories of each artist. The messages are from the person who is striving to maintain his or her own dignity and identity, despite the ravages of dementia. Each painting is named by the Alzheimer-artist and the artwork is totally their own creation.
The artists speak with powerful brush strokes of color and tentative tracings of line. They pull us into the world of an individual with Alzheimer's. As we look at their paintings, we see their stories in a language that needs no words. Their paintings show us glimpses of who they were and who they still are. They call out to us in a way we cannot ignore.

A special thanks to all the framers and facilities who support the Memories in the Making art program.

Click here to view the 2013 collection video >> 

Upcoming Facilitator Training  
Training is open to anyone who is interested in learning how to use art as a communication tool for individuals with dementia, or related disorders. Please contact us for CEUs.

Light lunch will be provided
*$95.00 registration fee includes light lunch & training manual

Alzheimer's Association,
Orange County
2515 McCabe Way
Irvine, CA 92614
Modular building - rear parking lot



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