Creating collaboration between Community, health care agency & families

 I was able to set a wonderful meeting and presentation by SAAC 5    Los Angeles County Mental Health Commission September 26, 2014. This kinds of Collaborative work is needed to help our community and individuals who are in need. Our center Olympus hosted the event.

The following minute is directly from

SAAC 5 Report for the   Los Angeles County Mental Health Commission September 26, 2014 From Celinda Jungheim and Karen Macedonio, Co‐Chairs Although SAAC‐5 did not hold a meeting in August we have continued our planning for a Legislative Breakfast in November that will be co‐sponsored, and planned, with SAAC‐6.  Lisa Reuda from Junior Blind (in SAAC 6) has been very helpful.  They have offered their site as our venue and have also stepped up to make the contacts with our primary legislators, Holly Mitchells, California State Senator, and California State Assemblyman, Sebastian Ridley‐ Thomas.  A committee has been formed to plan the program and handle other details of the event. Our September SAAC meeting will have three presentations.  The first will be by our host agency, Olympus CBAS and presented by Soraya Fallah.  The second will be Luana Murphy and Kathy Shoemaker from Exodus Recovery.  They will talk about the recent closures of the Culver City Urgent Care Center and their plans to re‐open as soon as possible.  They will also present some data indicating the value of the services provided by the UCCs.  Our third presentation will be by Tina Segura of Mental Health Advocacy Services. We are also discussing the feasibility of a training by Celia Falicov who specializes in cultural competency with a concentration on immigrants and inter‐generational communications.  Although the SAAC Steering Committee (we have changed the name from Executive Committee to Steering Committee because of confusion with the Executive Providers meeting) wants to explore having this training it will be at considerable expense for our SAAC so we want a discussion with the full SAAC.  We will explore ways to help cover the expenses. At the Westside Mental Health Network Meeting on October 8th we will have a presentation from Kathleen Kerrigan about the DMH Health Neighborhood plan. We have two current concerns.  The Exodus Recovery Urgent Care Center in Culver City had to close quite suddenly.  This valuable service is of great benefit to our Service Area.  We know that Exodus Recovery is working diligently to find a new location.  We will assist with any support that is needed. Our second concern is the threat of losing The Manor, a 152 bed board and care.  Other board and cares have closed in the area because they just aren’t sustainable at the amount owners are able to charge.  We are looking at ways funding may be increased in order to keep these beds available.


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