Healthy Start Projects in the advancement of the Collaboration Model for development of School-Community Partnerships

 A few pictures at a glance

If you are interested in learning about my projects, please click this link which is also provided on the taskbar menu of this blog.

Healthy Start Program @Liggett E.S


Another great event, fundraising with Echoes of Hope, the executive director is amazing, helpful.

Healthy Start Program held a big and wonderful assembly in the school.

Macro Event: 

Leading a Wellness Assembly in my school 
Jun 2022

Macro Event: PPE Project 

In a weekly basis for 3 months, distributed about 1200 Personal Protective Equipments 

Healthy Start Program  staff Soraya Fallah and one of the staff from Center Clothes Corner
She allowed me to take pictures. 

  1. Center for Clothes corner

Getting donations and gifts for my community from The Volunteer League of the SFV (Center for Clothes corner),
May 2022

Healthy Start Program  Service delivery ti the classroom and parents.
We provide what we can to assist them met their need 
Healthy Start Program  Navigator Soraya Fallah and one of our wonderful angelic teacher 

Soraya Fallah and one of our new comers parent 

Office craziness at time of service delivery and distribution 


Make a Healthy Start Program  Wall newsletter in its simplest way to remind yourself and others about monthly projects that were done!
Feels great 

Are Diapers important?
Diapers are an important part of a child’s wellness; they can make them feel comfortable and helps them not to feel embarrassed or ashamed while they can’t control themselves.
My Diaper project in my school benefited so many kids and family

Turkey Drive
What a wonderful feeling 
Nov 21

finally, I was able to finalize fundraising for Thanksgiving in my school; I secured Turkey and all fixing meals for any of our families needed. 

My school has 550 families.  they will receive a free turkey package (with all the fixings) for their holiday meal. This makes my Thanksgiving so meaningful.

Took hundreds of emails and calls, but great outcome!


USC Holiday Giveaway 

Our department managed to receive complimentary tickets based on our requests and counts.  

Thanks to my specialist for taking a trip to drop me the tickets

Dec 21


I found a Christmas Toy drive and Food Distribution open to the community, YMCA, LAPD local branch, and family rescue center.

How wonderful, kids love toys.


In-class presentation and complementary school supplies 
I have done this project over the course of 6 months, every other week in one classroom.

Presentation in the classroom to create a strong relationship 

Soraya Fallah, HS  advocating for Wellness Program 


Healthy Start Program  Backpack with Supplies  Distribution

Is this only about an item?

No, it is about providing love, care, need, the color they like, and connection.

If our kids travel during summer, they use their backpacks with a bunch of stuff inside the backpacks, and with that little message from me, they remember our Healthy Start Program.  


After the visitation, heart-melting postcards arrived from different classrooms. 
Thanks to the teachers for teaching our kids to be thankful.

It is great to present at all school events, make time to connect and see what is going on in school
this is black history month
100 days of school
Softball day
Fire drill days
Icecream fundraiser
Chocolate fundraiser

So on...

The following pictures are from my project for the distribution of Healthy Start Program   PPEs (Personal Protective Equipment)
Feb 2021-April 2022

Healthy Start Program  Navigator Soraya Fallah and our school School, Specialized Student Services Counselor

This photo is for my schoolwide distribution and gifting of school uniforms and other stuff.

It is not easy to be published. You must have enough to convince the school  to publish your department and program.
Thanks to the webmaster as well as school leaders 


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