Leadership style in a diverse community for equity and inclusivity of all


 As the new year unfolds, bringing with it fresh realizations and decisions often referred to as resolutions, I reflect on my leadership style. When questioned about it, I prioritize people, with a specific focus on promoting inclusivity and empowerment, aiming to inspire and motivate others. Emphasizing the significance of relationships, including those promoting gender equality, I establish clear goals to guide our collective efforts. Instead of focusing solely on myself, I empower my team, emphasizing inclusivity, through coaching and fostering growth, actively collaborating to solve problems for shared success. Consistently conveying my steadfast belief in innovation, I am dedicated to promoting it as a driving force, fostering an environment that encourages everyone, regardless of background or identity, to contribute their unique perspectives.

As an agent of change, with a commitment to inclusivity, I readily adapt to new challenges, grounding my actions in a visionary approach and cultivating a team-oriented culture that values diversity and inclusion, all while guided by principles of integrity.

 Defining my leadership style, I acknowledge my proficiency in decision-making,i also recognize a vulnerability when faced with conflicts and saying No. This vulnerability stems from a desire to avoid upsetting anyone—an area where improvement is needed. Understanding the vital role of a leader in setting boundaries and prioritizing vision and goals, with a specific focus on promoting inclusivity and empowerment, I am committed to refining this aspect for more effective leadership.

Please share how you overcome obstacles in your leadership role! I am eager to learn.


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