How I serve new comers?

 Friendly note for a friend about my daily work. 

I am  serving as a liaison for the LAUSD Refugee Educational Support Program (RESPite) in the North District schools. This vital initiative supports refugee, asylee, and unaccompanied youth by helping them with case management, adjust to a new culture, language, and educational system. our work involves:

  • Identifying and welcoming new arrivals.
  • Coordinating outreach to schools and meeting with school administrators and parent representatives.
  • Organizing meetings with parents to provide resources and referrals.
  • Facilitating community partnerships through tabling, workshops, and events.
  • Case management referrals to HS

A significant part of our program includes referring families to Healthy Start navigators for case management. We hope that navigators provide personalized support to help families access essential services, such as healthcare, housing assistance, and mental health resources.

Much of my work focuses on supporting Farsi-speaking parents from Afghanistan and Iran. Since I am fluently bilingual, I can communicate directly with these families without the need for translators, providing them with personalized guidance and fostering trust. As such I am also leading the ESL program for parents in the North District. These classes empower families to improve their English skills, fostering better communication with schools and greater engagement in their children’s education.

Another key aspect of my role is supporting ESL teacher and enhancing communication with parents. I am in contact with different school staff, coordinators, and administrators to address the unique needs of multilingual students, ensuring families feel included, informed, and supported.


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