Inclusive Education: The Case for Equity in Systemic Reform

Expanding Our Understanding of Inclusive Education: The Case for Equity in Systemic Reform In the r eview of "Ability, Equity, and Culture; Sustaining Inclusive Urban Education Reform", I indicated that "a sustainable, scalable, successful systemic educational reform is attainable, provided that all stakeholders are committed to cultural responsivity and inclusivity for all students. In order to achieve this goal, reform needs to combat discrimination based on socially constructed notions of difference, such as gender, race, ethnicity, ability, class, and sexual orientation" (Fallah et al., 2018). Most people concerned with the state of education in the United States would agree that our schools are failing a large portion of the culturally and linguistically diverse, socio-economically disadvantaged, minority and immigrant students, as well as students with disabilities. T here is a pronounce...