Leading a Project for Community

 This was one of my project that I have done in the center CBAS center , I was a supervisor and a social worker. 

An initiative project led by Social Worker and her department: 

Connecting two generations of adult immigrants and children admitted to Mattel Children's Hospital, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

May 4, 2014

The Olympus Adult Day Care Center in West Los Angeles, a center for the maintenance, health dissemination, and prevention of mental and physical health of adults and retirees, launched a humanitarian initiative in April at the Social and Psychological Department , led by Ms. Soraya Fallah. Suffering from a variety of illnesses, the children were admitted to Mattel Hospital, University of California, Los Angeles, one of the largest research centers in the United States, the supervisor, and social worker Soraya Fallah Said.

Participants and clients of the Olympus Adult Center are adults of different nationalities and religious minorities, such as Iranians, Russians, Armenians, Kurds, Azeris, and adults from Latin America and American citizens were encouraged and participated in this big project. 

Ms. Fallah's proposal to cooperate in collecting toys and donations as much as possible and write postcards for children hospitalized was approved by most of the center's adults. Hospital officials also welcomed the move, acknowledging that even though they always receive a lot of help, this is the first time it has been organized and organized by a community based service facility.

On Friday, April 17, after two months of working on the project, there were more than 300 toys, several donation checks, and several postcards signed with beautiful messages. Ms. Fallah believes that the relationship between these two generations, who are grandparents and grandchildren, has many benefits for both generations. Adults who are forgotten immigrants also experience a sense of re-emergence in society and individual values ​​with such help.

Ms. Brenda, Ms. Firoozeh Zabrinia, Ms. Flora Tebin cooperated a lot in promoting and implementing this project. Mr. Shahin Abrishami, the director and owner of this center, was also among those who collaborated a lot financially and carried out this project.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Covered by VOKRadio
Read it in Farsi 


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