
Showing posts from December, 2023

Team's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity in promoting the holistic well-being of the LAUSD community.

  In December 2023, Soraya Fallah's outstanding contributions to the Wellness Program at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Department of Health and Human Services were further highlighted. Alongside a diverse and inclusive team of dedicated coworkers, Soraya played a pivotal role in organizing and conducting the Walk to Wellness Workshop series for parents and the community. This collaborative effort not only showcased Soraya's leadership skills but also demonstrated the team's commitment to diversity, inclusion, and equity in promoting the holistic well-being of the LAUSD community. The recognition received is not only a testament to Soraya's individual accomplishments but also acknowledges the collective impact of the team that worked tirelessly to foster a sense of belonging and equality through innovative wellness initiatives. As the year concludes, Soraya and her diverse and inclusive coworkers stand as exemplary advocates for positive change within t...

"Empowering Families and Communities: A Fulfilling Three-Month Workshop Journey!"

  "Empowering Families and Communities: A Fulfilling Three-Month Workshop Journey!" Dr. Soraya Fallah "Walk to Wellness" aims to foster physical fitness, mental health, community cohesion, and education, promoting healthy living, disease prevention, family bonding, environmental awareness, and empowerment within a community through regular walking and wellness activities. Parents, particularly women empowerment was the main component of this series. They are equipping participants with the knowledge, skills, and support to take control of their health and make positive lifestyle changes. To accomplish this, I developed distinct themes tailored to align with the identity of my school. These themes encompassed aspects like physical and mental health, diabetes, cardiovascular health, building self-esteem, and strategies for staying motivated. In each session, I introduced a nutritious recipe to underscore the significance of our dietary choices and promote heal...