
Showing posts from April, 2021

Social Stimulation

There is always a question on how can we socially stimulate a groups of students or elderly.  We start with how t o teach about getting  peer support and interpersonal skills through a fun socially stimulating activity. In this activity you can ask participants to construct potential "icebreakers."  Icebreakers are usually 3-5 minute introductory games designed to warm up the atmosphere and teach the attendees to feel more comfortable around other people. Seems to be no brainer, but sometimes, this small step is missing and people get uncomfortable in the session.  Try it,it is fun. photo source

A problem Solved with paving an extra mile

  For a while I realized that some of my clients do not engage, they lost in their mind, they don't like some of the center's activities. I felt so bad, I used every way possible, checking on them often, asked staff to engage them, but not much of a result. I looked, searched and talked to a few professionals out of the the office. I found Alzheimer's association in LA. I contacted them, we had some back and forth. I paid for the program they had, : Memories in the Making". Result was increasable. Many of them participated. And after family consents, we participated their art in Santa Monica art exhibition. One of the art by our client sold for 300. You can imagine the rest of the story............  I attended an amazing program Memories in the Making. I found Alzheimer's Association very helpful and full of amazing staff. One of the painting     Memories in the Making® A fine arts program for people with    dementia About the Memories in the Making® Art pr...

Creating collaboration between Community, health care agency & families

 I was able to set a wonderful meeting and presentation by SAAC 5    Los Angeles County Mental Health Commission September 26, 2014. This kinds of Collaborative work is needed to help our community and individuals who are in need. Our center Olympus hosted the event. The following minute is directly from SAAC 5 Report for the   Los Angeles County Mental Health Commission September 26, 2014 From Celinda Jungheim and Karen Macedonio, Co‐Chairs Although SAAC‐5 did not hold a meeting in August we have continued our planning for a Legislative Breakfast in November that will be co‐sponsored, and planned, with SAAC‐6.  Lisa Reuda from Junior Blind (in SAAC 6) has been very helpful.  They have offered their site as our venue and have also stepped up to make the contacts with our primary legislators, Holly Mitchells, California State Senator, and California State Assemblyman, Sebastian Ridley‐ Thomas.  A committee has been forme...

Culturally Humble Strength –based perspective

I have a range of experiences working  with a diverse group of people with variety of needs from a culturally humble strength –based perspective. I learned the best way to help them their need to be met. How you can become a humble strength-base person? Put your action and words under self examination or i nvestigation , put aside plenty of time for journaling a  self -reflection , if you become a  lifelong learner , you will learn from others. Finally  know that you might make a mistake, do critiquing .